

Mood: Utterly and totally lost and depressed
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: Bloody well about to

I was wrong, I am wrong, my gosh! What an idiot! Why did I never remember the trial with my little one when my... master, was away? I did it today, I was released from he who I'm going to keep referring to as my master. For label or not, he is my master in my read more....



Mood: Depressed
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: Yesterday

What a dreadful weekend! If not for my little one, I'd have a second suicide attempt to add to my list. As is, I reopened the cuts on my hand and ankle and then decorated my hip with billions of long, shallow cuts. They won't scar, they were done with scissors. Only because I was considering stabbing my leg and knew I couldn't do that up at the house! You will be proud to know that I didn't though! Just billions of cuts. No stabbing, I stopped myself! I actually stopped myself! I tried but I was battling with myself and only stabbed lightly, I think I drew blood once or twice but only a pinprick. Apparently you don't cut in the dark where you can't see what you have done, cause you just keep read more.......

Little out of sorts


Mood: Relaxed
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: A few days ago

Hm, do you think the relaxed mood has something to do with him? Haha. You won't always have such gentle posts. Suppose because I cut not a few days ago? Ah well. I'll take it as a good sign! 
So nothing else has really happened to do with my last post. I'm not entirely sure what I am posting for today. Just, I don't, talking. Letting you know I'm alive. Getting used to this blogging idea. Won't my counsellor be happy? She is always telling me I should try blogging. I don't think this is what she meant and she has no idea about the D/s so I don't think I'll be directing her here any time soon. Still haven't directed my little one here either... I think I might, I should put a poll up, see who thinks I should leave the posts up and who doesn't. Cause he wouldn't be completely freaked out knowing I've been talking about him here now would he? Haha. Hm, I think there is a possibility he might be... Shhh haha.........Click read more.......